Chiang Rai to Phayao Bus Schedule and Bus Fare
Bus Operator |
First Bus |
Last Bus |
No.of Trip |
Depart Day |
Fare From |
Kasemthara Tour |
17:30 |
17:30 |
1 |
M T W T F S S |
THB 596 |
Transport Co Ltd (999) |
16:30 |
16:30 |
3 |
M T W T F S S |
THB 117 |
Bus from Chiang Rai to Phayao
Cheapest Price | ฿ 117 |
Distance | 1,503 km |
Est. Duration | 21 hours 8 minutes |
No. of Operator | 2 operators |
Popular Bus Company from Chiang Rai to Phayao
Bus from Chiang Rai to Phayao
Phayao has many interesting tourist attractions such as Wat Phrathat Sop Waen, Wat Tilok Aram and Wat Sri Khom Kham and the last one is Wat Phra That Jom Thong. These four landmarks are important and outstanding places. Many locals and tourists come there to worship and beg for the wishes. Besides, Phayao still has many beautiful places such as Phu Sang National Park, Mae Puem National Park, and Phu Langka National Park. etc.
How to Get from Chiang Rai to Phayao
Bus from Chiang Rai to Phayao is the popular option to travel. Both tourists and locals from Phayao always take the bus service to travel and spend time on weekends and holidays. Please note that here is no flight and train service available for this route.
How Long is the Journey to get from Chiang Rai to Phayao
The duration required from Chiang Rai to Phayao by bus is approximately 2 hours. Please note that the bus travel time from Chiang Rai to Phayao is depending on the weather and road traffic conditions on the departure day.
How Far is Chiang Rai to Phayao
Distance from Chiang Rai to Phayao is about 102km.
Bus Operator for Chiang Rai to Phayao
Indra Tour is the bus operator that provides the bus service from Chiang Rai to Phayao.They provide 1 departure per day at 05:30 pm.
How much is the Bus Fare from Chiang Rai to Phayao
The bus ticket price from Chiang Rai to Phayao is charged in a range of THB621.
Where is the Boarding Point in Chiang Rai
The boarding point in Chiang Rai is located at Chiang Rai Bus Terminal.
Where is the Arrival Point in Phayao
The arrivals point in Phayao is Phayao Bus Terminal.
How do I Book Bus Service from Chiang Rai to Phayao?
You can either visit the terminal and go the booth belonging to the bus operator of your choice, wait in line, select a seat, and book your ticket. If you would rather not do that, you can visit and book your seat within 5 minutes.
How can I make an online bus ticket booking in Thailand?
You can book a bus of your choice to any destination in Thailand by logging on to the official website of BusOnlineTicket which is The site is user-friendly and you can book your bus ticket in a matter of minutes.