BusOnlineTicket Loyalty Point System
Earn With Every Booking
Earn BOT Miles by making a booking with BusOnlineTicket, for any of our bus tickets within Thailand. Every THB 25 you paid worth one point and you can accumulate these points to redeem your discount code worth up to THB 500!
Effective from 1 December 2020, members need to log in to be able to earn BOT Miles for their booking.
300 BOT Miles
THB 62.5
600 BOT Miles
THB 125
1200 BOT Miles
THB 250
2000 BOT Miles
THB 500
Earn 1 BOT Miles with every THB 25 you spent on ticket purchase with BusOnlineTicket!
How BOT Miles Works?
01. Log in to account
02. Book a THB 1250 Bus Ticket
03. Receive 50 BOT Miles
01. Log in to account
02. Make booking as usual
03. Redeem discount on Payment Page
300 BOT Miles = THB 62.5
600 BOT Miles = THB 125
1200 BOT Miles = THB 250
2000 BOT Miles = THB 500