Bus from Ranong to Khao Lak

Bus from Ranong to Khao Lak

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Khao Lak is the hidden gem in Thailand that is far from the crowds. The main reason why travellers and backpackers like to visit Khao Lak is because of its stunning beach, beautiful coral reefs and interesting activities.

How to Get from Ranong to Khao Lak

Bus from Ranong to Khao Lak is one of the most preferred way to travel between the two places. There is no train and flight service available for this route.

How Long is the Journey to get from Ranong to Khao Lak

The travel time from Ranong to Khao Lak is takes about 3 hours. The travel time is depending on the climate and traffic condition on the travelling day. A short break will be given during the journey.

How Far is Ranong to Khao Lak

The route distance from Ranong to Khao Lak is 195 km.

Bus Operator for Ranong to Khao Lak

Rungkit Tour is the only bus service provider that offers bus from Ranong to Khao Lak. Rungkit Tour is one of the popular bus company specialized in providing bus service to Khao Lak. The first bus goes at 6:30am while the last bus leaves at 5:45pm. In between, there are number of bus services from Ranong to Khao Lak.

How much is the Bus Fare from Ranong to Khao Lak

The bus ticket price from Ranong to Khao Lak is charged at THB330 with a P1 bus fleet.

Where is the Boarding Point in Ranong

The boarding point in Ranong is located at Rungkit Tour Office (Ranong Branch). Rungkit Tour Office in Ranong is situated conveniently at Bang Rin, Mueng Ranong District.

Where is the Arrival Point in Khao Lak

The arrival point in Khao Lak is at Khao Lak Bus Station.

How do I Book Bus Service from Ranong to Khao Lak?

You can either visit the terminal and go the booth belonging to the bus operator of your choice, wait in line, select a seat, and book your ticket. If you would rather not do that, you can visit www.busonlineticket.co.th and book your seat within 5 minutes.

Bus from Ranong to Khao Lak Bus Schedule

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